Woman at Work: Holland Reini


Women belong in the trades! There is so much space here for you, so please, come and take it!” 

What does a day in your work life look like?

I have a 6:30 A.M. start, which I love! My boss greets me with an assignment every morning. Some days I have five different little jobs on my bench to bust out. Other days I’m on a project that can take weeks to complete. The variety keeps things interesting! 

A beautiful thing about my job is the creative freedom I have. I get to imagine, design, draft, and fabricate every day! I do a lot of problem-solving. It’s one of my favorite things!

Did you complete any training? If not, how did you learn your trade/skill?

I used to own a small seasonal tree service in Alaska called Saw Sisters. One day, my client asked me if I wanted to work for him during my offseason. I spent that winter learning the ins and outs of welding. He was an incredible teacher. One of my final projects before spring came around was to build a wood burning stove for my cabin. It was my big grasshopper moment. 

Fast forward ten years, I landed under the wings of two more incredible mentors who have helped me further develop and fine tune my skills. I have obtained a few welding certificates and continue to seek all the knowledge I can get!


What do you want people to know about being a woman in your field?

Women belong in the trades! There is so much space here for you, so please, come and take it! I mean, who doesn’t want a great job with a livable wage? You can 100 percent do it, and do it well. I know you can!

What are the top five things that are always in your pockets? 

Chapstick, keys, a flosser, my favorite moonstone, and metal shavings.

What are you doing when you’re not working hard? 

Travel and anything outdoors! I’m originally from Alaska, so I like to get home at least once or twice a year to reconnect with the landscape. The mountains, glaciers, and beautiful coastlines fill my soul!

If you could give your 20-year-old-self advice, what would it be? 

Surround yourself with people you admire and look up to, take chances, and don’t be afraid to fail!

Do you have any special projects or cool things you want people to check out?

My work is scattered throughout the city. From the handrails you use to the bridges you drive over every day. 

One of the more noticeable things I assemble are the blue bike rack clusters around town. I make about twenty new clusters every few months that get installed as needed. You wouldn’t realize it, but there are actually left and right-hand clusters. I make left handed ones for one-way streets. That way the racks go with the flow of traffic on both sides of the road.  

My welding partner actually helped design the new style rack we are using to reduce bike theft. They are a little extra beefy, and there is a top-secret component inside the rack that will bind a saw blade from cutting through. We’re looking out for ya!

What does workwear designed for women mean to you?

Workwear designed for women affirms what we already know, women do belong in the trades! No more shrink and pink trickery! It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you feel good and look good in your workwear. 

Function and comfort are essential. In the past, I would blow through basic jeans in a couple of months. Those jeans just aren’t made to hold up to the job. Having an actual work pant that is specifically made for women by women is so dreamy! I realized it’s way more affordable to rock a pair of Dovetails that last and hold up to the task!

Holland is rocking our Maven Slim Pants in Power Stretch Denim which you can check out here.

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