I’m in desperate need of work pants that fit me, especially now that I’ve lost weight. I have bought a dozen of dovetail pants, and the designs are very inconsistent. I don’t know what these women are doing for work but they just don’t work for me. This color is gorgeous, the height is great, the waist is too big and the butt too tight though. The left pockets
Is not nearly deep enough for a tool, the pocket on the right is way too narrow of an opening to grab anything out quickly. I keep buying these like things are going to change, and like I said I’m desperate, but they won’t work, and it sucks bc they fit the closest to my shape. These aren’t made for elevator work. They used to have a quiz and it asks the work you do, none of it was work that requires you to have real tools on you. Oh and high waisted with the same size zipper as the regular pants? Dude, I could barely get them on. Fix the pockets, main zipper, and take the pocket options from the hemp pants (that don’t last at all-material wise) and I’d try again. I.E.: the little pocket in the front left thigh for a pen or tweaker, and the zipper on the right thigh. The zipper pocket on the left back pocket is useless.