- 34"
- 30" - 31"
- 41" - 42"
Amazing. Perfect in every way, though they run a little big
These are so comfortable that I've started wearing them to lounge around the house on my days off, I'm not even kidding. And this is me who went about five years without wearing any jeans or other "hard pants" ever if I could help it. These are not hard, they are soft and warm and comfortable and the pockets are heaven. I got them primarily because I'm outdoors in the winter for work, and they're exactly what I needed. For all but the coldest days (I live in Wisconsin) I've been able to wear them for work but still be comfortable indoors; it's wonderful not to have to constantly be switching between indoor and outdoor gear.
My single complaint is that these pants seem to run quite a bit bigger than other pants I've bought from Dovetail -- the Freshley overalls, the Maven Slims (my favorite!!) and the Christa DIY. In all of those, I wear a 10 or 12. I ordered these in a 10 and they are far too big -- and I'm talking about the waist/hip fit, not the fit through the thigh and leg, because I know these are a more relaxed fit than either the Slims or the Christa. They actually fit great through the thigh, so I decided to keep them and just wear a belt with them, afraid that returning them for a smaller size would mean getting a pair that was too tight in the thigh. But I loved them so much I decided to order another one, and risked the 8s, and the 8s are still too big in the waist! But again fit perfectly in the thigh.
Spelling all this out so that if other shoppers know what…
Fit: |
Rated 1 on a scale of minus 2 to 2, where minus 2 is Too Small, 0 is Perfect and 2 is Too Large
Quality: |
Rated 5 out of 5
Functionality: |
Rated 5 out of 5