Woman at Work: Filmmaker, River Guide and Fisherman Meredith Meeks

Pronouns: she/her

What does a day in your work life look like? 

My work day varies based on the season. As of now, I spend my time on the things I’m passionate about: visual storytelling, training to be a river guide in the Grand Canyon, and fishing for Sockeye Salmon up in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Strangely, they all are intertwined with a love for the visual/our planet.

What made you start doing the amazing things that you do? 

I would say the love of place. I am captivated by landscapes and the human experience. I love using my body in the natural world. It makes me feel connected as well as puts things into perspective. 

Filmmaker and River Guide Meredith Meeks guides a trip on the Grand Canyon

Pack rat! Meredith in the middle of a river trip. Photo by Forest Woodward

How did you learn your trade/skill? 

For filmmaking, I received my bachelors in film and new media from Colorado College. 

For Grand Canyon river guiding, I have been committed to the same company for the past three years, Canyon Explorations. We've done training trips where I've obtained certifications like swiftwater rescue and wilderness first aid responder. 

My love for rivers was ignited at age 12 while learning how to whitewater canoe and kayak. I spent 12 years at Camp Green Cove/Mondamin, learning how to boat and be a counselor to teach the next generation. 

Commercial fishing in Bristol Bay is all about doing! I’m very new to the industry, referred to as a “green horn.” I spent seven weeks this summer up on the Kvichak River, set-gill netting and learning from kind mentors.

What's the biggest challenge you have faced in your work? 

Myself. We can sometimes be our toughest critics. It’s changing that head game and realizing I have all that it takes to accomplish what I want to excel in. 

Dovetail Workwear woman at work Meredith behind the lens

Behind the camera capturing moo-dy models. Photo by Aly Nicklas

If you could give your 20-year-old-self advice, what would it be? 

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver 

Follow your heart and gut and know you've got this. The ‘this’ of what you want to do with your life will come as long as you keep following your heart - doors will open. Don’t let fear creep in and tell you to settle. This is your one life: live it the way you desire and hopefully you’ll have few regrets! 

Do you have any special projects or cool things you want people to check out? 

We are wrapping up Wild Climate, a film about climate change and how it is affecting people in the rural west. This is the biggest project I have ever directed so I feel thankful to see it slowly manifesting. 

The film focuses on four different characters that are experiencing climate change: through drought, wildfire, erratic change in weather, and snow pack. The founders of Wild Climate ended up spending a year on the road interviewing 30 people about their climate experiences to bring awareness to the issue via storytelling. Science isn’t enough - we must connect on a human level. 

What does workwear designed for women mean to you? 

Oh my... Empowerment! Community and affirmation. Badassery. Women seeing their potential and proactively excelling even in a society that often (consciously and subconsciously) diminishes female perspective/power. 

Dovetail Workwear Woman at Work Meredith Meeks in the beanie on the grand canyon

Meredith takes a Dovetail beanie rafting through the Grand Canyon. Photo by Ethan Alexander

Dovetail Workwear inspires me not to take the easy route, but the growth route: the route that is hard, where self-doubt may creep in, but I am strong. I am tough. I am 100% competent. I have exactly what I need. And I look damn good and can feel damn good. I can move in these pants! I’m the maker of my own reality. I decide how to show up each and every day. 

Follow Meredith on Instagram at @meredith_meeks or visit Go Fish Productions to learn more. 

Meredith Meeks' must-haves

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