Put In the Work: Woman Up for Reproductive Rights

The Problem

On June 24, our country took a huge step backward by revoking women’s health and reproductive rights. Dovetail Workwear has a core belief: by giving women choices, we empower them. Yes, we focus on workwear, but this principle goes well beyond what we design and distribute. We exist to be useful to all women and their bodies. We are here to help women build stronger lives of their own choosing. Here’s how we’re doing this work.

This tee models the message: Woman Up.

Simple, universal, and unapologetically feminine in a whole new hue– Resistance Pink.

Happening Now: ‘Woman Up’ Tee in Resistance Pink

To raise awareness through the election season and beyond, we’ll contribute all proceeds from our new special-edition ‘Woman Up’ tee to the National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH).

Dark Pink + Light Grey

We have made a limited run of these, but if your size sells out, sign up for Back in Stock notifications so we know to make more! All proceeds go to NIRH.

Pink It. Shrink It.

“Pink it and shrink it” refers to apparel companies producing women’s clothing that is men’s clothing, just in smaller sizes and ‘feminine’ colors. They call it ‘women’s workwear’– without asking working women what they want or need. So you can understand why we’ve been wary of pink since we began. On the other hand, some of you have asked for brighter shades of tees–we feel this particular moment is the right time to embrace this bold, rosy hue.

Previously: Donating to the Pathways for Single Moms Program in Arizona

We already knew this organization from our interactions outfitting the Spring ‘22 Pathways female training graduates with clothing for their new careers. When the Supreme Court decision came out, we thought of PFSM immediately as a beneficiary we could further support. 

American single mothers have a median yearly net worth of only $7,000. None of the 5 most common occupations for single mothers of young children provide a median wage higher than$30,000. Meanwhile, 1 year of childcare in the U.S. costs around $10,000. 

Founded in 2020 by the Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona, The Pathways for Single Moms program shifts the future of low-income families through a combination of educational and economic opportunities that equip mothers to become economically self-sufficient.

Pathways program participants receive 100% paid tuition for a 1-year certificate in technical education, with childcare and a stipend to use towards living expenses, computer equipment, transportation, and more. WFSA’s partner organizations provide additional support, including case management, access to basic living supplies, ongoing career coaching, financial planning, digital literacy training, and wellness programs.

Dovetail Workwear donated over $11,000 of our July 2022 sales to help expand Pathways for Single Moms programming.

What Next? 

Everything is interconnected. The ways we make our clothing products, how we choose to run this business, and where we channel our donations all impact the quality of women's lives. When women come from a place of strength, they are better equipped to affect how equality, power, and democracy are shaped in our country. Or better put by Vice President Kamala Harris, “The status of women is the status of democracy. The status of democracy also depends fundamentally on the empowerment of women, not only because the exclusion of women in decision-making is a marker of a flawed democracy, but because the participation of women strengthens democracy.”

And as always, stay tuned to see how we, the women of Dovetail Workwear, keep putting in the work…