We're Ready for 2018!

Dear Friends,

Our greatest discovery on our path as a new company has not been about sourcing the best denim, designing a better pocket, or perfectly fitting a customer (although we live for all that!), it's been about the community experiment we find ourselves lucky enough to be a part of – meeting inspiring people everywhere we go; forming meaningful relationships; seeing into the real lives of really hard-working women; and listening and learning at every turn.

We started as a tiny, intimate company founded by three women, but we are rapidly picking up speed, growing into a diverse community. Collectively, we are creating positive change in our world through perseverance, teamwork and respect. This is Moxie & Moss Workwear’s surprising source of joy and achievement.

Thank you for going along on this ride with us in 2017. And here’s to so, so much more territory to cover in 2018! With much love – Kate, Sara & Kyle

Fun 2017 Facts

  • Women in 24 states are wearing MMW Maven pants
  • Women in 5 countries are wearing Mavens
  • 1 lucky man has a pair (and many more have asked!)
  • $3000 was donated by Moxie & Moss Workwear to support women entering Oregon Tradeswomen Inc’s training programs
  • Sara’s dog Shasta became the official MMW mascot when spotted wearing our custom-made MMW bandanas
  • 2018 will see at least ten new MMW apparel and work products released, as well as some other very exciting surprises…

 Looking back on Moxie & Moss Workwear In 2017Looking back on Moxie & Moss Workwear in 2017. February

So many rad women and men helping get the MMW story out (April, 2017)
So many rad women and men helping get the MMW story out. April
That’s one cute Marketing Director insisting on the perfect shot! (September 2017)
That’s one cute Marketing Director insisting on the perfect shot! May
Launch Party shout-outs to family, friends & mentors supporting us, our big dream, and our young startup.
Launch Party shout-outs to family, friends & mentors supporting us, our big dream, and our young startup. June 
The real behind the scenes—special packages w/ extra love to our 1st presale customers, July 2017
The real behind the scenes—special packages w/ extra love to our 1st presale customers. July
 One of our biggest supporters/super rad business idols– a Maven in her MMW Mavens! September 2017
One of our biggest supporters & business idols – Malia Mills, a Maven in her MMW Mavens! September
It’s all biz, all the time, around here. (September 2017)
It’s all biz, all the time, around here. August
Closeup of the thousands of real women finally getting the real workwear they deserve! (September 2017)
Closeup of one of the thousands of real women finally getting the real workwear they deserve! September 
Continuous R&D—we love to listen… (October 2017)
Continuous R&D—we love to listen… September
Talking with the awe-inpiring women at Chicago’s annual Women Build Nations conference. (October 2017)
Talking with the awe-inspiring women at Chicago’s annual Women Build Nations conference. October
What gets us motivated every day—hand-written happy notes! November
Pausing for a moment: grateful for all our little and big successes. (December 2017)
Pausing for a moment: grateful for all our little and big successes. December
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